Tuesday, July 10, 2007

hello...quite busy lately trying to finish up incomplete hw...today i did my MI proj. haha couldnt get the video so had to desperately find a guitar and got 1 from imedia. thanks! haha so quite good lor. and prefects investiture is such a waste of time. especially for sec 1s and 2s. they just sit and watch us do everything. and we are most of the time talking cock so its super sian. and it starts at 5pm due to chi oral and have to stay in sch so long. haha but usually i go st john store do hw. then sometimes got ppl come. like jp, terence, charlton all these la. haha then play nunchuks. damn nice. and the invest is like until 8pm la. sometimes drag. so not much time left la. ya nothing much this wk. bye


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