Tuesday, June 5, 2007


hey guys...it was the annual Emerge! conference from thursday to sunday! super explosive especially the 1st night...it was then i realised how much ive grown after 1 year. haha anyway it was broadcasted around the world on God TV...haha. and because of the FAC competition, i couldnt go for the finale just like last yr...nxt yr im so going to go for finale! hahaha
now for FAC. a little info bout wads FAC. its first aid competition. it has 4 sections, 1st aid long case, short case, TOC(transportation of casualty) and footdrill. its held annually inter-zone. met up with wai yinn to go to HQ. then waited for the rest. officers came then did an inspection on our uniform. haha got black stain on my sleeve. lucky not very visible. haha. so then we had to fall in. my team consists of desmond, shimin, duo geng and leong shuen as reserve and hellodamienchan as steward. so all the leaders went to take the tags and we were AC4. so then it started. no talking other than ppl in ur team. so we went into the waiting rm. so then we had footdrill 1st. screwed up. no hope already. cos i made mistake. damn. feel damn bad. so anyway the nxt was the TOC. feel we did pretty well, everything we learnt we applied. so for long case, generally ok but not much of hope. short case. screwed up completely. everyone was tired out. i as leader lost concentration like mad. so everything i did was pretty lag. couldnt think fast. so everything was finally over. then everyone slpt and kept being woke up by the officer in charge by his shoutings and asking us to stand up cos everyone was noisy. pissed me off. haha but nvm. so then we arrange back everything and went up to the hall. so we waited for the GOH. LUCKILY it wasnt the same GOH as last yr if not...i duno wad time it will end. "1st runner up for TOC, AC4." i was stunned. cos he was like saying like damn sian lidat. so i quickly marched up and took the trophy. i was like damn happy cos we had trained super hard and we got something back. thank God man cos i was like praying damn hard we would win something. then we went to the screen later to check the overall results. my team was 4th!!! AHHH almost 3rd!!!! wai yinn's team was 5th. but nvm...haha at least got something. then went with the rest for dinner. owned the rest of them who bought western food from another stall with a cheaper and bigger portion of food. suan them like mad. "wah so full...still got so much...so ex la walao..." haha. yay. anyway good job everyone.
yea thts all...byebye


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