Wednesday, May 30, 2007

sec 3 camp

hello once again, im finally back from sec 3 camp from malaysia pahang. at first i was like walao damn sian but its really damn cool. haha. i took grp 3 which was trekking and caving. 1st we gathered at pri sch hall at 6.15 and waited all the way till 6.45 then we set off. then we went on the bus. off we go and after the immigration checks we boarded the bus again. was feeling super super sian. so i slpt. then woke up cos of the bus auntie who wanted to watch The One on the tv on the bus with all the BANG BANG!! all around...then we stopped by a little coffeeshop for a break. then went on the bus again...then i went to talk cock with yc ben tan HP JP and not forgetting FLIMPY...lots of cold jokes there. haha. so then alighted for lunch and went back up. reached the campsite. super sian. looking at the stupid state its in. haha. stairs were steep and like that for wad...comfort us that we will be safe from big foot is it? so anyway we grouped ourselves into 3s to be in the different tents. i was with manfred goh and ee ban. so we arranged everything and went for dinner. quite nice. waited for the other grps as its raining. so then there was this little lights out at the sea and hamin thought they were animals...?? haha then suddenly got some lightning then it became very clear and it was pretty shocking at the same time cool. it was a red boat. then we got sian and started to play who am i. haha damn funny. then went over to jk mel and yz to play bridge. haha...then after everyone reached, we had a debrief. the instructor was funny. "i am a teng. you can call me mr a teng. oki? when i say attenshien, u say outdoors. oki? attenshien? 'outdoors' attenshien? 'outdoors' attenshien? 'outdoors' veli goods. i am the lead trainers heres. so u all must listen to who? 'you' haha veri good." so then we went to slp. couldnt slp cos of the bombings of scoldings all over from tent to tent. haha.
so woke up at 5.30 due to some hardcore stomache. stupid. went to toilet. nothing much. ate a carbon tablet. still nothing. ate a sweet. little better. 6.30 i cannot tahan already. went toilet again. ah..this time its something. u noe wad. haha. so then i went for breakfast and realised the other timothy lim also had the same experience. of cos many others too. conclusion-food poisoning. haha. so then we went trekking. got into a boat on the yellowish brown river. then we went trekking. floor was muddy and slippery cos of rain the day before. and also the 6kg of 12 bottles of 500ml bottles i had in the bag. went the canopy walk. exciting and fun. can see alot of things. nice. then we carried on trekking all the way and slowly it became more hardcore, steeper slopes and smaller stepping places. screwed up guy behind me kept holding on me and lying on me and pulling the damn rope and making everyone fall. i shant say his name. and the thing is i dont really noe him. yea so anyway we went up all the way and saw the super nice scenery. its like u can see the mountain top with all the trees and fog. cool eh? then we carried on trekking. to another place. also same scenery. took a grp picture. went down to the riverside and had lunch. the stupid thing was its infested with leeches. jk the leech king. lol. i got 1. i felt a little pain so i used my other leg to scratch it away really hard and realised it was a leech. so then the wound started bleeding but i didnt care. then i looked at it again and my sock and shoe had blood on it. so i just cleaned it away then no more. lol. went to another river and went on the boat for rapid shooting. most fun thing on earth lor. haha. hardcore spray everyone in the end all got wet. and with full speed of the boat, it was super cold and cool. then went to a place where the water rocks. damn cold. washed clothes, shoes, socks and played alot there. went back then wash up. then pack up and we moved to the caving campsite. very dark there. rocky too. got dinner and set up tents. some dude went to steal our mat so end up we had to slp on the rocks with only a plastic cover of the tent protecting. then went for night walk. "oki. we go insai sisty three, we come out aso sisty three. no plus no minus. come out seventy we send seven of u back into the jungle. come out sisty one we all go back in and find you frien. oki? when u go insai, respect nature. how? zip. we caught anyone talkings, we leave u in the jungle alone until morning tomorrow. now i gives u the password. spiderman. u must remember. if we ask u and u duno, then we will leave u in there because its not u. oki? lets go" said instructor a tang. lol. so we went in bout like 1km plus. wait wait wait. ah my turn. haha i removed my blindfold and i couldnt see a thing. but after awhile it was ok. so then, "oki boy. u hold di candle, walk back to campsite. oki? go." i started walking fast. 20m. wind blow. candle went out. saw only 1m around me. all the stupid animals making noises. damn sian. continue walking. "wooo..." i turn and saw the instructor by the side. i laughed then he stop. then walk walk walk. saw some dudes wearing glow in the dark shirt playing handphone. lol. random. help me light my candle then i walk back. 10m it went out again. heck. chiong. then finally reached. haha then everyone came in grps and pissed me off big time. lol. so then went to slp.
nxt day ate breakfast. then went for caving. damn nice. first experience. The things we could see were like damn nice cos they were like real like example the elephant and the discipline teacher…super nice. and also the light from the hole from the cave is ultra nice. feels peaceful. nature in singapore damn haha so then alot of ppl got stomache again. including me. haha. so then 2 guys i wont name went to the bushes to do their business. then its like everyone rush down to see la walao...damn sick. haha so then we went out to the outside toilet and those who could hold rushed in. lol i was first. so then there were bout like 9 guys stomache so then its like comfirm food poisioning. teachers also got. so...yea. went for lunch, then we went back for abseiling. "aselling is the risky adivitis." lol. pretty fun. but scary. cos its like abseil down a rocky hill. then got hole here and there. and the gloves no standard slippery then i lost balance and got a stupid cut. haha then i was down there with the 1st aid bag treating ppl who got cuts like me. then went to wash up and pack up. then after tht went on the bus. off we went to the resort. were the 1st to reach so everyone slpt there. its AIRCON!!!! its like so nice compared to the campsite la i mean like of cos but its really huge diff...then we spammed food during dinner. haha. its like 1st time could eat safely without insects, leeches, chair, table, and most importantly, its clean. so i went around passing the gel to ppl who got sunburnt. haha. damn sian...thts why. so then we went back to our grps and had prize presentation. lol all the prizes damn retarded. i got some Tan Tock Seng award cos i was 1st aider. so then we went on the bus and went to the train station. play bridge with mr danny tan and others. then played dai di cos always need to wash. hes damn ownage. haha. cool. so then 2.45am the train came. went on the train and slpt. super cold. for my carriage tht is. i turn around and was like wtf? how could these guys slp?! i looked at jp and he was like shivering like mad so i passed him a towel to cover himself. but managed to slp for like 3 hrs.
lol then nxt morning, or rather later tht morning woke up i was like damn sick already lor. then i went to buy a not-worth-it pack of noodles. then play bridge. talk cock. blah blah blah. then all the immigration rubbish. then went to tanjong pagar then went on the bus with glennson to bishan interchange on bus 57. then went home.
went home ate some things went to slp. from 4pm to 7am. hardcore song man. hahaha. yea overall its damn cool, eye opening. great experience. yea cya


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