Tuesday, July 17, 2007

hello...haha we had some st john nco animal names cos we were all bored while waiting for listening compre to start. it was quite ok la for me and quite cool like waiting for exam then listen to music. haha...so here are the animals...

lewis: bear (cos he looks like one)
brian: seal (cos hes cold and cant be polar bear cos lewis is bear)
jiew peng: penguin (jiew pengUIN)
me: tiger (cos they say im fierce)
charlton: wolverine (super hairy and has a wolverinish beard)
kah howe: cow (well...i shant say...)
reginald: wolf (cos he wants to be one?)
terence: frog (cos he looks like one)
melvyn: hairy frog (mix charlton and terence together)
nicholas: worm, snake (super skinny)
marcus: bull (strong and big...haha)
wai yinn: mouse (apparently they thought he was small sized)
samuel: hasnt got a name yet (thinking in process)

yup thts it for the wk...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

hello...quite busy lately trying to finish up incomplete hw...today i did my MI proj. haha couldnt get the video so had to desperately find a guitar and got 1 from imedia. thanks! haha so quite good lor. and prefects investiture is such a waste of time. especially for sec 1s and 2s. they just sit and watch us do everything. and we are most of the time talking cock so its super sian. and it starts at 5pm due to chi oral and have to stay in sch so long. haha but usually i go st john store do hw. then sometimes got ppl come. like jp, terence, charlton all these la. haha then play nunchuks. damn nice. and the invest is like until 8pm la. sometimes drag. so not much time left la. ya nothing much this wk. bye

Sunday, July 1, 2007

hey im back...haha we had st john day on wednesday and i was parade commander. it was unexpected la cos usually is chairman command. i was like trembling and sweating like mad up there cos the fans only pointed toward the crowd and not the stage. but it was over quickly.sat we had homecoming. we had to report for 1st aid duty then had to wear full u. it was super slack cos no casualties one. i was doing with charlton terence marcus and nick ng. yea overall quite fun. haha. then i went for church. haha very good word but teachy. but it was impacting. haha yea thts it...