Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ok here's a challenge for you. If you can watch this without laughing or feeling its retarded, and to listen to this whole thing, you're good. But of course, I laugh so hard at the song and the singing. LOL i think your ears can't take the it.
Its below by the way...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Open Houses

Hello there, went to some open houses with szeto and marc chong. First met up with terence then went to AJC to take a look at JC life. Well the people are friendly, but we got pretty irritated when they started pulling us into every single booth. But they were nice people so we just showed them some face and went off. Saw some seniors and talked to them abit.

Then went to NYP for lunch since the canteen at AJ wasn't really appealing. So went to NY which was really some high tech school with all the escalators all around. It was a nice building with friendly people also. But I guess its hard for them to differenciate a student at NY and a open house visitor. Haha then met up with marcus and went into NY again. Talked to some people about the courses and we went exploring the whole place ourselves. Went to their project place and saw some really nice works. Like cool clay figures and drawings. Yea then explored into some videoing facility. I forgot what its called but I think its the green curtain or something like that.

Yea then went to SP by MRT. Quite an old school but big. Really big. Marc met up with his friends there so me and szeto went exploring first. Talked to some lecturers and students. After which of course we got kind of lost since we went around exploring. HAHA. Then terence went around collecting stuff and met this weird man who acted like some wise man. Lol we tried to go away then he was like 'don't go yet!' Haha quite a fruitful trip.