Tuesday, September 11, 2007

hello there. haha had steamboat at marina south with cg. pretty fun and steamboat was shioking...sat had a very good service with this guy called nick who is hadicapped from birth. he shared his testimony with us which was very touching. kinda preached also and i feel its very good. kinda weird to type it here so if u wanna know bout it can let me know i tell u bout it. nearly cried la damn nice guy. funny guy too. as in humourous. anway had walkathon on sunday. went with nick. then saw bear and other cadets, waited for them then zao. since we were early la. then went there stone LIKE MAD for duno how long outside the hq cos we were too early? walao. stilll need fall in. im sure. yea so it started. kendrick asked us to run with him so me szeto and melvyn ran. but we lagged like mad. haha then we walked and run. mostly walk. then keep talking rubbish bout we being old ppl and shouldnt run too much. lots of rubbish other than that too. yea then reach there like less than 20 place in the whole st john. including officers. cool eh? then took the towel they gave. pretty useful this time. haha. blue colour. haha then we sat under the sun for super long. then was the lucky draw. kranji sec were kinda cheering. and we thought of an idea. we cheered at the next number. and the emcee looked over then we laughed. cos like usually we cheer cos got someone win or something. haha then i thought of someone standing up and walking toward the stage but then turn left and go toilet. lol but of cos no one dared. haha so then took zone 10 pic then zao. then went army market awhile then zao home. yea then chiong hw. lol yea thats bout it la...

Monday, September 3, 2007

hello...on friday which was teacher's day we had a st john performance. everyone was shocked when they 1st heard 'st john band' haha i expected it la...then marcus started playing some weird song then everyone cheered. haha...then we started with...'hello..' haha damn retarded so we played 'all the small things'. trained for quite long. but very interesting la. like i was playing bass, wy drum and marc guit. charlton and sam sing. terence san jie gun. the rest came in to join the fun at the end. was pretty dumb la i mean like stretchering sam in. then later marching in of the rest of them. haha then marc talked lots of rubbish during the break. but enjoyable experience. so after that went to play interboard soccer. won all matches already so this time was against the teachers. i was keeper. had clean sheet all the way till 1 match the defence went up all the way to midfield and 2 guys came running. so of cos, the ball went in. haha but tht was last time. anyway for the teachers match, was damn hiong. 1, they kick damn hard, cos its like everytime they kick always fly damn far. so have to always run around picking the ball up. 2, they are experienced. they managed to outrun everyone. so quite sad for me la. so we got the 1st goal, then they scored due to an own goal. not by me. but its ok. later in the 2nd half, a teacher came chionging down without anyone in his way and i was like wtf is everyone doing?! haha then i chiong up and slide. then heard some cheers, turned my head and it went pass the goal. saddening. but anyway we won the throphy cos its supposed to be interboard, not intersch so er yay. haha then went for cg. learnt some guitar from harvey. then saturday almost late for bs cos woke up late. but luckily was in time. haha. then AGI. was some colour orderly. colour also refers to the flags during the parade la. then had to case and uncase the flags which was quite fun la. lots of timings. haha. but me and the other sgt major did super fast. completed 6 while the other did 4. but my left hand was aching cos had to carry 6 covers which was like 2kg each but if its the whole thing its ok but its only at the tip. so its hard to balance. then took care of everything while watched the parade. went back to hq to uncase. but overall very tiring, transporting everything from hq to bus, bus to stadium, stadium move all around, stadium to bus. and they arent light. but good experience. heard i got top for FDI. duno if true or not...haha yea thts it.